Teachers For Tendrich

As the mother of a child to a student enrolled in the public education system, and daughter of a retired public school teacher, Debra is a proud advocate for our public education system. 

Debra believes that education is the biggest equalizer. Creating equity, opportunity, and investment in our public education system is critical. Through the collective support of those who mold the minds of our future leaders, we can send Debra to Tallahassee to advocate and champion legislation that will support our public education system, teachers, support staff, and our students. To learn more about Debra, visit DebraForHouse.com.

Teachers For Tendrich will help show solidarity in supporting a candidate that will be a true champion in Tallahassee and support our public schools, educators, support staff, and future leaders. This initiative is being led by teachers and support staff, current and retired, who are not happy with our current legislation and what is happening in Tallahassee regarding public education.

To learn more about Debra, visit DebraForHouse.com 

That's all, folks!

* End page and disqualification logic can only be seen in the live survey
